
Step 1

[thrive_text_block color= »light » headline= » »]Check the email inbox
of the address that you used to sign up on the previous page.[/thrive_text_block]


Step 2

[thrive_text_block color= »light » headline= » »]Find the email sent by [from
with the subject line: [subject line here].[/thrive_text_block]


Step 3

[thrive_text_block color= »light » headline= » »]Open this email and click on the
link inside
. Done![/thrive_text_block]


[page_section template= »1″ position= »bottom » padding_top= »on »][content_container max_width= »900″ align= »center »]Once you’ve completed these confirmation steps, you will get immediate access to the free product you signed up for![/content_container][/page_section]